I want to thank my Daddy, I mean my real Daddy, my biological father. The one whom God used to bring me into this beautiful world. I could never thank him enough. The art I do, the writing I am so passionate about, the performances that brings out my gift of expression, the song writing that brings comfort to my soul and everything that defines me as an artist, I can proudly say I am who I am because of my Daddy. He is the bigger Artist, the one I inherited the gift of ARTS from. Sometimes it takes your world to fall apart for you to realise the people who matter to you the most, and if there's anything I have learnt from this whole ordeal is that my real Daddy really loves me, and I will give him the trophy of world’s best Daddy. Somehow he never liked the idea of me going to Agape, he watched helplessly as his daughter was taken by another man who claimed his position as my father. Sadly when I started going to Agape, my real Daddy was replaced by Dr Masocha. When I started going to Agape, with all the attention Dr Masocha was giving me, I started phoning my family and could not stop talking and bragging about my new found “Daddy” Dr Masocha. My family were greatly concerned and warned me, even telling me no one could ever replace my real father. I would get very upset, because I truly believed Dr Masocha was now my new “Daddy”. I would go back to Dr Masocha and report my family to him, everything they said word for word, and through Dr Masocha’s advice, I was told to cut all communication with my family because he said they all hated me and did not want to see me prosper in life and were jealous that I had finally found a man who truly loved me like I had never been loved before. According to Dr Masocha, anyone who does not go to Agape and anyone who speaks negatively of Agape is of the devil. Dr Masocha repeatedly told me that:
· Our bond was eternal, our love for each other was sealed in heaven and no man could ever break us and often told me to kiss his photo in my house each time I felt lonely and upset.
· He told me he loved me more than any man had ever loved me, he said he loved me more than my husband loved me (have texts and emails to prove it). Though I was smitten by these smooth words, I often found this confusing that he said he loved me more than my own husband did.
· He often told me that I was his favourite most beloved daughter. At one time he told me to be very careful in Church because he knew all the women where going to be jealous I was now his favourite.
· He said I needed to disassociate myself from anyone who spoke negatively of him or Agape, family included.
Dr Masocha also used to cut me off from friends I had as somehow he convinced me all my friends were mentally unwell and continuing to befriend them would bring bad spirits into my house. As a result I cut off a friendship I had for over 9 years because Dr Masocha said she was a nut case, and even though I had taken my friend to him for help he had failed to "deliver" her and told me to ditch her. He also told me to end another friendship of mine because he said she had the "demonic spirit of Liverpool" whatever that means and I was forced to drop my friend at a time she ever needed me the most. I feel bad and stupid. Dr Masocha does not only HATE the institution of Marriage, dear readers please be aware that he also hates the institution of FRIENDSHIP. He also told me to cut myself from a friend who was helping me with prayer and said, "He was an eagle and an eagle travels alone, he said he does not have a prayer partner". I don't know what it is but he cant stand good friendship. He called it austerity measures and its a doctrine well written even in the 2013 Fruit of Spirit Booklet that teaches congregants have to cut off anyone who is negative about Agape.
One of the things that really hurts about the way Dr Masocha spiritually abused me is that he sought to come between me and my family. He manipulated me and alienated me from my family during the two years I was in Agape. AGAPE WAS NOW MY ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY. At one time he was so angry that I had communicated with my real Daddy that he shouted at me on the telephone and told me I had just completely destroyed and ruined my own life by talking to my real father and telling him my dreams as an author. All I had done was I told my really Daddy that I had written a fantasy novel that Dr Masocha was gonna help me publish, somehow Dr Masocha was so annoyed with me that I “leaked” that information to my real father so much I saw the other side of Dr Masocha that day. The wrath of a Prophet. I noticed he had a temper and could also “loose it” like the rest of us humans who are not gods. I do have texts messages that do prove “Daddy” was not happy that I had told my real Daddy about the book publishing deal.
Now where I am going with all this? Why am I talking about my real Daddy and the one who once was my “Daddy” in the same blog post? Well I don't know if you have ever heard, that Dr Masocha specialises in turning families against each other, especially biological parents and their children. He does not only destroy marriages, and friendships, but he HATES THE INSTITUTION OF TRADITIONAL FAMILIES too. I don't know whatever spirit that is on him dear readers, but its a spirit of destruction . He has a HURRICANE KATRINA spirit, he destroys anything good that comes to him. He shows no mercy as he sweeps over the world with the love hatred of God....you fill in the blank. I don't know what marriages, friendships and families ever did to him, but Dr Masocha clearly can't stand these institutions and he will utterly destroy them at whatever cost. The bible says talk is cheap, you will know them by their fruits rather, being a smooth talker or charmer on the pulpit means nothing, its by your fruits that you are known. The fruit of Dr Masocha has manifested itself as a Hurricane Katrina kinda fruit, coming with a fancy name yet destroying without mercy marriage, friendship and families, the three most important human institutions God ever created and treasures.
This year in May 2013 in Stirling and Dudley, I was present at both conferences and have DVDs to prove it , Dr Masocha gave a teaching that will confirm and prove everything I am saying is true. He taught the children of Agape to refuse to obey or have anything to do with parents who do not like Agape or discourage attending the church/cult. He openly taught that the verse, “Children obey your parents in the Lord, Ephesians 6:1” is talking about spiritual parents in the Lord, and used the verse to refer it to himself as he does with most scriptures. He said children are nowhere instructed in the bible to “obey” their biological parents and he said he had received this "fresh" revelation in April 2013 in South Africa when some parents had disowned their children for going to Agape and called for Dr Masocha to release them. Dr Masocha said he went before the Lord in prayer and lo and behold , God told him nowhere in the bible does it say children should obey their biological parents, but rather they have to obey spiritual parents. This heretical unbiblical teaching had serious implications and consequences and a number of children of Agape then went on to disown their parents who were warning them about Agape. I personally know a number of Agape children from the Agape 666 Satellites (Wigan) who's relationship with their biological parents suffered because of Dr Masocha’s “fresh” revelation from the Lord that children should disobey their biological parents. I could even give you names but hey, let me have a name free blog post for a change.
In 2013 July at St Andrews Dr Masocha continued with his heretical teaching of disowning parents when he compared himself to the Pope and he claimed God had sent him to be the father of the fatherless. He taught that he had more authority and power as a spiritual father over a biological father, and he started a deliverance session where everyone, and I mean everyone started crying hysterically as Dr Masocha started delivering people from the “curses” of their biological fathers. Dr Masocha said a lot of his spiritual children had been under curses of poverty cast on to them by their own biological fathers. I had never seen people cry like they did that day, even the most dignified person lost it, and the yelling got out of control as Dr Masocha was presented with Fathers Day gifts (money). Ooops I had forgotten to mention it was on Fathers Day, and Dr Masocha did the best he could to make sure all adoration was given to him and yes he did get a big balloon that said “world’s best Dad”.
I thank God that even Dr Masocha’s spell and curses could never separate me from my real Daddy. When my real Daddy heard the ambulance incident, he was so hurt and felt so helpless that all this had happened to me in the hands of the man (my husband) he had given his daughter to love, protect and cherish. But my Daddy comforted me, I remember the day I spoke to him as I cried on the phone, he said to me, "Jean mwanangu, listen to me, chinyarara kuchema, I am your real father, and handina mwana anoitwa zvakadaro, do you hear me?” There was a power in my father’s voice. A power of hurt. A power of betrayal. But most of all, a power of a fathers pain inflicted by the person he trusted the most. My father loved my husband so much. He took him as his own son. He trusted him with me. When I heard my fathers voice on the phone, that was the moment Dr Masocha’s chains were broken. My eyes were opened, and I realised that after all was said and done, blood was thicker than water indeed, and Dr Masocha had never loved me, or cared. He was never hurt that Gertrude Musuka called the ambulance on me. Guess who was real hurt, my real Daddy. My real father swore to me that as long as he is alive, no person will get away with treating his daughter the way Dr Masocha and my in-laws treated me. I realised that Dr Masocha’s daminable doctrine that a spiritual father (whatever that means) has more power than the biological father because my real fathers words of pain and betrayal continue to sustain and comfort me today. I know without a shadow of doubt that somewhere somehow my real father’s words will always haunt Dr Masocha were ever he is today. My biological father has power over a “spiritual” guru like you Dr Masocha, and by the grace of God I am still standing after everything you put me through. And know this, my real DADDY will always be behind me, 100%. And may I say thank you Lord you made me a writer, I never knew my healing process from Spiritual Abuse would include the therapeutic and reflective process of an online Diary called, He was my "Daddy." Funny how God works I leave you with this email from Dr Masocha on June 5 2013 to prove I never begged him to do the artwork as his children imply.
| Jun 5 ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
Beloved daughter, Jean. Here is a list of the images I need for the book. Would you be able to draw these in a week? I shall call yoo to discuss the ones you gave me last time. Soo happy with them because it seems you have caught the idea. I would appreciate if you would work on this straight away, if you are able to, as I need these as a matter of utmost urgency.
- Images/pictures of threshing floor
- Images of 9 story grand house/mansion, with a lovely Penthouse at the top
- Wheat in field or wheat being harvested
- Someone working out in the gym/ lifting weights
- Threshing Floor of Araunah
- Ruth on the Threshing floor
- Image of winnowing process
- Image of the sifting process
- Dirty Dishes and Dirty Linen/clothes, plus clothes on drying line
- Hyenas, jackals and wolves
- Pregnant woman or women,
- Drunk person or ppl
- People gossipping
- Someone looking in the mirror
- Human mouth, showing teeth, tongue and lips
- Human tongue
- Images of people queueing (as in going for surgery) or waiting to be attended to
- Images of a Man of God or Prophet
- Images of someone being counselled one on one
- Traffic jam
- Images of murderer or someone knifing someone
- Someone in the toilet, either one person or a group of ppl
- Cracks on someone's feet (man'a)
- Someone having shower or just the shower sprinkling water
- Wrestling ring (either people or cartoons)
- Image of orange/fruit with segments (Fruit Of the Spirit)
- Heart or group of hearts, depicting LOVE
- Image symbolising clinic ie hospital or nurse etc etc
- Someone in Intensive Care Unit, depicting Surgery
- Images of wasps (mago) in a tree or bush (chigwenzi)
- Vehicle being attended to (to show/symbolise MOT)
- Green leaf from a shoot (to show Re-freshness)
- Someone on the Penthouse of the grand house, rejoicing, with beatiful views of beautiful scenery with mountains, lakes, sea etc etc in the distance
- Wheat bundle
- Beautiful Wheat seed in a container or in a hand etc
- Page full of wheat seed everywhere
- People rejoicing and having a party - some dancing, some praying, some jumping etc etc showing rejoicing
It would be most helpful if you were able to SCAN and e-mail back the images as a WORD document to make it easy for me to cut and paste.
Looking forward to hearing from you soonest.
You know I love you,
Daddy vako. xxxx
Below are pictures of the illustration artwork I did for Dr Masocha's book Threshing Floor. I have emails of the scanned artwork sent to him, I also gave him all the original images which he is in possession of today. I did over 30 images in 5 days, leaving me with blisters on my fingers. He chose to phone the publisher last minute and remove all my artwork from his book because I was now estranged from the Church. I also contacted the publisher asking them not to publish my illustrations in Dr Masocha's book. I wish he could give me back my originals.
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