Thursday, November 28, 2013

What the £100k salary for the Prophet meant for me...

Lets talk British Poverty, shall we?

On the 14th of June 2013 at around 1800 hrs at Wigan Community Centre, Joy Fatima Maxwebo, Yvonne Gayakaya and the wicked Gertrude Musuka formed an orderly queue as they testified to the paramedics that I was an unfit mother in urgent need of sectioning. Have you ever wondered why they called me mental? Have you ever wondered my dear readers, why I was cruelly labelled insane by Agape For All Nations Ministries International? I never thought would share this with you, these are the deep secrets of my heart. I wasn’t even going to include this in my book. But I came to the realisation that I did nothing wrong, it was never my fault, and if I hide this from you all I am only protecting the empire of Dr Masocha. In the two years of Agape, I was reduced to a charity case (Social Services can confirm everything I am saying). Life got so unbearable I contemplated suicide. I said with Job, “It was better for me if I had not been born”. I walked a road where I thought those who are dead are better off; I had no reason to live, save my three beautiful children. They are the only reason I am here today, I live for them.

So Gertrude Musuka and her team told the paramedics that Jean once tried to kill herself. But she din’t stop there, she went on to describe my poverty in detail to the paramedics, “The children are malnourished, she can’t feed them. They live in extreme poverty”. Those where the words of mental health nurse Gertrude, as she loaded her car boot with the “Envoy Groceries” that she had received that day. My children were not malnourished, but I am sad to say I did live in extreme poverty, so much I wanted to die. Gertrude Musuka knew well of my poverty as she would often visit my house (unannounced) for ritual prayers. She would come to my house and say she had come not as my Sister in law, but as a Pastor to pray for me and the children. She just used to turn up at the doorstep unannounced. Then she would offer prayers or rather impose her satanic prayers on me in my house. She would pray and pray and pray, often with crocodile tears asking God to take away our poverty. But funny enough not once did she ever say to me, “Jean my sister, I see your pain, I see your lack, here is bread and milk for the children” Never ever. At one point things got so bad we started receiving food parcels from a local church nearby, but not once did I ever receive financial help from Pastor Gertrude or Agape though they were very aware of my poverty. However they waited two years later to mention it to the paramedics at a church service so that my children would be put in foster care. This is not my shame but Agape’s shame. I will not hide the evil deeds of Dr Masocha.

 I am not ashamed to say during my two years in Agape the following disturbing situations unfolded before my very eyes in my life:

·         We often lacked electricity and my children and I would stay without power for days

·         We often lacked food enough to make a meal, my children did not know how an apple tasted like as fruits were a luxury we could never afford in Agape

·         We had no beds to sleep on, we were told by Envoy Muchengeti Hove to throw away things that connected us to the past, we threw away our bed and could never afford another one after that.

·         My ex husband Shingai Musuka used to walk on foot to work a distance of 23 miles and would take up to 8 hours walking because he could not afford fuel for the car. I once told Dr Masocha that my husband was walking on foot for 8 hours and was concerned for his health but the Prophet ignored my texts. Shingai would have blisters on his feet and he was extremely stressed.

·         My ex husband Shingai Musuka could not afford clothes anymore, he started going to the rubbish tips to pick clothes from the bins. I cried when one day he came home with a pair of shoes from the dump and said they were still okay to wear. I would often throw the stuff away without him noticing.

·         My ex husband Shingai Musuka used to pick our children clothes from the tip, I used to throw the clothes away as they were too dirty and smelly.

·         My ex husband Shingai Musuka stopped buying the children clothes altogether, during my two years in Agape, my children often wore rags and shoes with holes in.

·         We stayed for over a year without a fridge freezer and washing machine, we used to sneak to a nearby university campus at night to use the student washing machines.

·         We had times when the children used to go to bed hungry, there was just never enough food in the house. We lived on basic rations, bread, peanut butter and mealie meal. We couldn’t afford the other normal food eaten everyday by the average Britton.

·         My ex husband started wearing ripped clothes at times I was embarrassed to be seen walking next to him.

·         My three children are British, but I know  they have lived in poverty that would shock even the Prime Minister David Cameron, I don’t even think the British Government would believe there are British children who can suffer like that in 21stcentury Britain. I will be including the shocking poverty I suffered in Agape in my book He Was My Daddy, what I have shared with you dear readers, is only but the tip of the iceberg.

Whilst all this poverty was ripe in my house, my husband had a good well paying job; I was doing a part time agency job and we were getting child tax credits and benefits, but we found ourselves in extreme poverty that I would say even those in Africa were better off. We never missed an Agape conference, we paid our offerings in church, we even gave the Prophet money, yet we were living in extreme poverty at home. We also had to pay rent for Wigan Satellite, we were also responsible for buying groceries for Gertrude Musuka because she was our Pastor, yet we lacked food in our house.

Agape may call me mental, but I believe I was strong to survive such harsh conditions of life under such an evil cult. Dr Masocha was fully aware of my poverty, I told him over and over of our situation and he often trivialised it. I would ask him why God was allowing such suffering and he would rebuke me and say I needed to exercise the fruit of the Spirit and if I was not careful I would steal my own blessings from God. We even paid the expenses of printing the Magazine from our own pockets at the expense of our children. The Prophet would tell me if I continued giving my tithes and paying money to the Church, my breakthrough would come shortly. I waited and waited and waited till the cows came home. Sadly the breakthrough never came. If anything, every day the poverty got worse. I know for certain my ex husband Shingai Musuka is still hanging in there in Agape thinking his breakthrough is about to come.

My ex husband Shingai now lives in his mother’s one bedroom cramped up flat in Southport. He sleeps on the floor in the lounge next to his sister Patience Musuka. They sleep together in the same room basically, whilst Shingi’s mother and father use the bedroom. It’s a living set up I will never fully understand in this life. A brother and sister sleeping on the floor together in the United Kingdom, anyway I shall not say any more. I just hope Emmanuel Oga (if the wedding is still on lol) is comfortable with his bride to be Patience and Shingai sleeping together. Anyway...

I can confirm today that the Agape curse of poverty, especially that of hunger and starvation has been fully broken and destroyed and I can now afford to eat food in a restaurant, something that was beyond my wildest dreams during my membership in Agape. I could never afford such a luxury. I only used to see Facebook pictures of Sandra and Sharon Masocha in expensive restaurants.

Like the daughters of the Archbishop (below) and their best friends enjoying the good life, I can now also eat "nice food" in a restaurant. 

As you are aware that Dr Masocha recently purchased a Range Rover (under the guise of a single mother). I am also pleased to confirm that God has also elevated me that today I can be seen driving and sitting in the same car that Dr Masocha is driving. My ex husband Shingai and his sisters have never set foot in a Range Rover before, so are many, if not all of the children of Agape. But its truly humbling for me that the curse is finally broken and here I am on the 27th of Novermber 2013, a historical day for me. 


For me I can confirm that my financial breakthrough fully came the day I left Agape. That’s when the chains of poverty were broken in my life. I can also confirm that Dr Masocha is not the anointed of God, please feel free to say anything about this phony, God will not curse you. Dr Masocha is not anointed. He is a false teacher and a thief living off peoples hard earned cash. Yes it so true, to confirm that here is a letter from Dr Ven that confirms Dr Masocha is a thief:

Why I resigned from Steering Board and Finance Boards

I was appointed to the Steering Board in February 2009 and at my first Steering Board meeting in Coventry the following month I was asked by Dr Masocha to be in the finance committee. The month following there was a Steering Board meeting in Kent. When we arrived one of the items on the Agenda was a proposal to increase Dr Masocha and his wife’s salaries by 5%. When we were asked to vote to approve, some individuals asked how much they were currently earning. Ian McHardy said that the Board was not supposed to know Dr Masocha and his wife salaries. We were then asked to vote and four others and I did not put our hands up and we were accused by Dr Masocha of being sell-outs. We were then asked to vote again and everyone put their hands up. I was uncomfortable but because I did not want to be the odd one out I had to do it. On my way home Ian phoned me three times and I did not answer as I was driving. I then returned his calls when I got home. He told me that he was having problems with filling in charity tax returns in respect of the two employees (Dr and his wife). I told him that I was going to buy a ticket and travel to Stirling to do the work. When I arrived in Stirling I found that Judith had paid around £10,000 and Dr Masocha £13,000 in taxes. However, I did not find out how much they actually earned. Anyway later that week we had a Finance Board meeting. Ian told the Finance Board that he was happy to announce that the pay rise for the Apostle was unanimously approved by the Steering Board. I was amazed because I knew that everyone had been forced to vote despite not knowing what their salaries were. I then enquired how much Dr Masocha and his wife earned before the increase and was told £55,000 and £45,000 respectively. I then asked how much the gross income for the charity was during the same financial year. I was informed that it was £240,000. I then asked the Finance Board how they could justify Dr and his wife taking 42% of the gross income. I was told that the salaries were set using the Archbishop of Canterbury as the benchmark. I was not happy so I asked the Finance Board to minute that the salaries were excessive in relationship to the gross income of the charity.

When I was flying home from the meeting I also started remembering that the last time I was in Scotland to fill tax returns I did not see any money coming from the media being deposited in the accounts. Also missing was any money from other international satellites.  So when I got home I thought things through. I told my wife that I was uncomfortable with the Dr and his wife’s salaries. In particular I was not happy with Dr Masocha’s wife earning £45,000 given that those days she was not preaching. My problem however was that I could not ask the Dr and his wife to take pay cuts and then expect to remain a board member. So after thinking things through I told my wife that I was going to tell Dr Masocha about three things that were wrong and then resign. In an email to Dr masocha I told him three things that had informed my decision to resign and these were (1) his salary and his wife’s were too excessive given the income of the charity. In particular there was no reason to pay his wife given that he was not doing anything for the church. (2) Despite the members of the church being asked to buy DVDs every Sunday that were produced by the media, the money was not going into the church’s bank account (3) Despite the church paying pastors in international satellites, the money from tithes from those international satellites was not being deposited in the church’s bank accounts. I concluded the email by saying that for these three reasons I tender my resignation.

When Dr masocha saw the email he contacted me and talked for about an hour. He said that his wife felt that I had stabbed him in the back. When I asked him why he was earning so much given that the church was still young he said that it was because he had put up some money to start the church.  I then told him it was wrong to earn money that way. I advised him to start a business instead. After that conversation the next Board meeting was in Bournemouth in July 2009. When he came he asked the pastors to contact me and my wife so that we could talk face to face. My wife and I met him with his wife at the pastors’ residence. I basically reiterated that I was very uncomfortable with those three things. He accepted that and then said since my wife and I were appointed separately as Board members it does not mean that if I resign my wife has to do the same. When asked about our final decision I told him that I was resigning and my wife opted to stay. Later that evening the Board (which my wife attended) was told that up to that point the media money (from DVD sales) was going into Chiedza Zunguza’s bank account but now he wanted to open a separate church account into which the money would go. When I was told later that evening I said to myself, at least I have achieved something by resigning.  I believe that what I have said is all true and anyone who doubts me ask Dr Masocha and if he disputes anything please let me know.

This is my last letter to you because I have told you everything that I personally know. My aim in all this is not to destroy your church but so that were issues need to be rectified you can ask your leaders to do so. God bless you all.

Dr Ven Tauringana

Below is a picture of Dr Masocha and his team during a luxury holiday in Macedonia in November 2012. During his holiday in Macedonia, I was at home with no food or electricity. I had received numerous calls and texts messages from Agape leaders asking us to buy holiday clothes for Dr Masocha and his wife for the Macedonian Holiday.

Below is a picture of Sandra and her husband Geoffrey on their £3000 5 star holiday in Mexico Cancun paid for in full by church member and Envoy Jessie Dekeza. 

What the £100k salary for the Prophet meant for me... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: blog


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